Sunday, 21 May 2017

African women through the times

Since precolonial times, African women’s role in the family life has changed tremendously. African women that took part mainly in the domestic and expressive roles while their husbands undertake the dominate and powerful roles in the family and that are usually known for their proud nurturing roles have now taken a turn for either the worse or the better or so people say and some would argue that they have been able to empower themselves.

The focus has switched from being viewed as; more vulnerable than head strong to now having more dominant roles in the family. 
Although feminists would agree with one in saying this is a wonderful thing has we now live in a period of shared conjugal roles. In no way am I saying evolving with the modern/western world a bad thing (in fact you will later find out that I encourage change) and neither is it necessarily a good thing, we have to take a minute to talk about how this power has also gotten to their heads and how they are gradually forgetting our roots and our African culture whilst still proclaiming to be advocates of it.

The African culture in regards to women portrays themselves as being these head strong teachers with plenty of moral lessons to teach, inventors, not only in the kitchen but also with hands on activities e,g basket weaving, homemade remedies, sowing, farming and so on. They were usually literally head strong aswell e.g. they travel a bit of a long distance (1/2 mile/miles or sometimes more) to fetch water and also being able to have plaited hair and if you know you know that carrying a newly plaited hair for the first couple of days ain’t easy (from being easy targets to getting beaten by the wind cause of exposed scalp to the constant headache.

Many changes have occurred throughout the years and we shall explore and analyse it together.
Stay tuned to find out more ;) 
kisses my lovelies :* xoxo

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